Wiener Linien_Michi_Hatzenbichler_VisualPony

Wiener Linien – Infocenter U2xU5

Digital Signage Spots

Client: Wiener Linien

The Viennese subway Wiener Linien commissioned three motion design spots to promote their Infocenter, a museum where you can immerge yourself in the fascinating history of the subway system in Vienna and can find out everything about the new U2 & U5! The spots are currently displayed at the subway station Volkstheater. Check out the Infocenter U2xU5 here!

Credits Digital Signage Spots
Concept & animation by Michi Hatzenbichler

Credits Infocenter U2xU5
Curated and conceptualised by Rapp & Wimberger Kultur- und Medienprojekte
Architecture by Planet Architects
Graphics by Perndl & Co